Nurturing in 2013

It’s a new year and with that comes a new theme (you can read about my theme from 2012 here).

I’m the kind of person that has unrealistic expectations for myself. My to-do lists are never ending–I want to do the housekeeping, install board and batten in the half bath, and spend hours painting with my children in the art room all in the same afternoon. I tend to complicate simple tasks. So that leaves me feeling overwhelmed regularly.

Because of all that, I find myself looking far away for happiness. You know, maybe if I have my house completely decorated and thoughtfully designed I will be happy? Or maybe if I sell every item listed in my shop I will feel happy? Or maybe if no one in my family asks for dinner tonight I will feel happy?

2012 was a difficult year for me emotionally. I’m feeling slightly empty and low on confidence. But here I am, ready for a new year with new possibilities and new adventures.

One happy thought I had in 2012 is that I’m surrounded by the things that will help me feel happy. All I need to do is nurture them.

Nurture my relationship with my loyal, handsome husband.
Nurture my relationship with my darling, stinky boys.
Nurture my relationship with my loving Father in Heaven.
Nurture the good earth in my backyard so we can have veggies a plenty.
Nurture the goodness and light in me so I can be a friend to others.

The list goes on, but you get the idea.

So here’s to nurturing.

I made a little poster for my kitchen to help keep nurturing at the forefront of my daily business.

Happy New Year!




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January 15, 2013 at 9:29 pm

it seems to me you have been doing some incredibly cool and confident things. would that i could do the same while struggling emotionally. i love this theme. i wish you a beautiful year.

January 16, 2013 at 5:22 pm

Thank you for the printout! I love the theme.

January 18, 2013 at 12:20 am

I love you, Sar.
I think this is a beautiful theme.


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